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Welcome To Kashmir - 237 Freeman Street, Grimsby, NE Lincolnshire DN32 9DW

Shasta Sage Smudge Stick


 Salvia Shasta, also known as Shasta sages is a well-known and widely used product among indigenous people of Central America especially within shamanism. It is part of the purification ceremonies where these spicy plants are smoldered and their holy smoke is released. It stimulates the gain of visions and expels negative energy as well as bad entities.

Sage has a sharp, very pungent smell, to be described as spicy. Not everyone experiences this smell as pleasant. It is therefore more functional than a pleasant home fragrance. Also useful: sage is used as a natural defense against insects such as moths and mosquitoes. 


Product category: 
Ritual Items, Candles & Smudge Sticks